Surviving Unemployment: How To Live Without An Income (Temporarily)

Losing a job is one of the most painful experiences that professionals go through. It’s not easy to be told that you’re not needed anymore by your employer. It’s even worse when you’re told that you’re no longer good enough for your company. But that’s just the emotional impact that losing a job has on a person. Time and therapy heal emotional pain, but the financial impact of losing a job can pose danger to you and your loved ones if you aren’t prepared.

It can be difficult to come to terms with your new scenario, but you need to know that it’s a fact of living. Moving on is difficult, whether it’s from a significant other or from employment because you lose the sense of security you once had. But take heart in the fact that it happens more often than you think, and that most people are able to overcome it.

So, where do you begin?

Budget For A Six-Month Unemployment Phase

It’s always wise to plan for the worst. It’s difficult to determine how long you might remain unemployed. You could find a new job in a few weeks or in several months. Whichever the case might be, you’re going to be glad that you have resources that you can use when you need them.

Inform Significant People

Yes, your significant other and your friends and family are among these people you need to inform, but you need to expand that list to accommodate people you have financial dealings with, like your creditors. It’s difficult news to deliver, and you’re bound to get a negative reaction, but it’s not the end of the line for you, especially when you’re able to make effective use of these customer service problem solving techniques.

Informing these people is essential because this allows them to make necessary adjustments to suit your new situation.

Make Lifestyle Adjustments

Minimize expenses by foregoing unnecessary pleasures. You need to accept that you’re not going to be able to enjoy your old lifestyle if you no longer have the means to sustain it.

Make An Active Effort To Find a New job

Send resumés to probable employers, market yourself on the internet, use newspaper ads if you must. Securing a new job should be your top priority. Send 10 applications a day and keep searching until you get hired.

Apply For Unemployment Insurance

If things aren’t looking well, then you might need to apply for unemployment insurance. While I personally wouldn’t do this, it’s good to know that this is a valid option, especially when you’re desperate enough. However you need to be aware that there are conditions that need to be met before you can apply for unemployment insurance.

The primary condition is that the worker must have lost their job faultlessly, meaning that they did nothing that would cause them to lose their job. Therefore, employees who were terminated and those who voluntarily resigned do not qualify for unemployment benefits.

I’ll keep this last paragraph short in the same way that you need to keep your unemployment period short.

Treat unemployment like a transition rather than a problem. There are many people who go through it and end up fine. You shouldn’t be an exception to this, dear reader.

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