How to Make Money from the Comfort of Your Laptop

Whether you’re interested in home-working because you’re raising a family, you’re living in a rural area, or you simply wish to start a business or small enterprise without having to head into an office, this article will be of interest to those looking to earn money from their laptops.

Below, you’ll discover five key ways that people can make money online – all of which require different skills and investments of your time. With five options to choose from, you’ll be able to get a money-making scheme up and running in no time at all, with the hint provided below.

Working Freelance

Perhaps the least creative option, but also one of the go-to ones for people looking to work outside of the office, is to take their skills and go freelance. Often freelancers maintain their own websites, including portfolios, which they then share with employers or those who advertise that they’re actively looking for freelance, remote workers to help them complete projects. If your skills are employable on a freelance basis – like a writer, an illustrator, or a financial modeler – you may find a freelance career works for you.

Buying and Selling

Trading goods online is an excellent way to make money without leaving your couch. Of course, it comes with risks – sometimes you’ll lose money on your attempted up-sells – but it’s a method of money-making undertaken by thousands across the country. Get onto listings site to find bargains and to resell items you’ve bought for a cut-price, in order to start making marginal profits on all that you’re buying and selling.


There’s a growing trend, for individuals with social media charisma and a following that will impress sales people, to use the likes of Facebook and Instagram to share products for companies looking to market to a young audience. If you’re young, trendy and able to build a social media following, this is possibly the best route for you: enabling you to make connections with brands that’ll pay a high sum for you to feature their products in your posts. 

Consultant Work

For older individuals who’ve had decades of experience in business or a certain industry, there’s always the option of taking your knowledge to companies on a consultant basis. They’ll hire you to ask questions about a specific topic that you’re an expert in, and they’ll pay you handsomely for the pleasure. Often, this will involve conference calls, online chats, emails, and the occasional meeting in an office space – but it’s a great way to earn good money outside of an office environment. 

Create and Sell

If you’re not one of those people with certain skills or knowledge to sell, you may still be able to start your own small e-commerce store that’ll help you share your creations with the wider internet-using public. Whether you make little trinkets, jewelry, clothes, or artistic creations, you can share images of these online, and make your own small e-commerce store, in order to make sales that support your out-of-office lifestyle. 

These five options are viable and much-enjoyed work-from-home solutions for those who wish to embark upon a career from the comfort of their laptops. 

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