5 High-Paying Careers to Consider in 2022

If you’re considering making a career switch in 2022, you’re not alone. In fact, according to The Motley Fool, as many as 20% of Americans have changed careers since the beginning of the pandemic. But which careers are in demand in 2022 and are paying well? Here are a few careers to consider if you’re in the market for a job switch.

1. Web Designer

The first high-paying career on this list is one that can allow you to work from home and bring in an enviable income. As a web designer, you’ll help individuals and companies design websites to feature their brands. You can either study to get a degree in web design or take online classes to specialize in certain programming software. Every single day, more than 500 websites are built using WordPress while a mere 60 to 80 are built on platforms like Squarespace and Shopify. This means that you need to carefully choose the area that you specialize in as it can make you more marketable if you choose well.

2. Dentist or Orthodontist

People love having a bright and healthy smile, and this is the reason why you should choose a career either as a dentist or as an orthodontist, depending on where your interest lies. While dentists will focus on general oral health care, orthodontists specialize in treating oral health conditions that require surgery or similar input, such as prescribing braces. If you’ve always enjoyed helping people improve their self-esteem and don’t mind rolling up your sleeves to get this done, you may thrive as a dentist or orthodontist.

3. Personal Trainer

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in the fitness industry is anticipated to increase by over 23% over the next decade. Clearly, more people are becoming more invested in their personal health care and they see the importance of working with personal trainers. If you love the idea of helping others achieve their fitness goals and improve their lives, you should train to become a personal trainer.

4. Market Research Analyst

If you have an eye for predicting the next big thing, you can get paid handsomely to do it for a company. It’s important that you’re also good with graphs and charts as in this capacity, you will need to evaluate and analyze market conditions. This will enable you to help a company know what people will want, who exactly these people are, and the best price to offer it for. This can help a company keep track of its marketing finance and avoid making poor decisions as far as what to prioritize in order to drive sales and guarantee profits. If you’re detail-oriented, have strong analytical skills, are a good communicator, and are good at critical thinking, you could take an online course or enroll in a degree to find a spot in this industry.

5. Physiatrist

A physiatrist is a medical doctor who has undergone further training in the field of rehabilitation and physical medicine. They help come up with treatment for issues like musculoskeletal disorders, joint replacement, fibromyalgia, back pain, and even cardiac disorders. With their salary projected by the Economic Research Institute to be $332,072 in 2027, this is clearly one industry that you should get into if you have the capacity to do so. You will not only help people live more comfortably but you will also be paid handsomely for it.

If you want to get into a career that will offer you an advantage in terms of finance in 2022, look at the five options outlined above. You could make a change and live comfortably by making the right call at this point.

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